Darwin’s great quotes

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Published in: on julio 16, 2016 at 4:31 pm  Comments (4)  

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  1. I owe these stupendous quotations to my friend Joseph Walsh.

    • Thanks Cesar.

      Revilo Oliver also stated on the above topic:

      «Dr. (Richard) Dawkins cites, with perfunctory apology, a passage in which Darwin merely noted what was obvious and indubitable in his day, the great biological difference between Aryans and Congoids, and that serves to remind us that, as I have noted often before, Darwin expected the savages to become extinct as civilized peoples took over their territories. That, in turn, will remind us how suddenly — in less than a hundred years — our race went into a coma — how suddenly the terminal symptoms of Christianity appeared, like the symptoms of the tertiary stage of syphilis, and destroyed our race’s mentality and vital instincts, making it throw away its virtual dominion over the earth, so that it is now the Aryans who will be eliminated as less stupefied peoples takeover their territories.»

      In 1945 our race developed a deep seated death-wish and has deliberately been doing everything to bring about its extinction since then.

      • Which is why the transvaluation of all values must take place. One of the signs of real transvaluation would be that the Calendar of the new Era replaces Jesus’ birth with Adolf’s, as well as replacing T-shirts for teenagers, from the Che Guevara to Himmler.

        But today we are living in Alice’s inverted world…

  2. The Aryans are the sun. The male principle. The Apollinians.
    The Yamatos are the moon. The female principle. The Dionysians.

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